Thanksgiving – 2nd Best Holiday EVERRRRRRR

Last year we embarked on the daunting mission of having Thanksgiving at our home. If there’s one thing that has always made the holidays a little less enjoyable is the task of traveling between houses on the holidays. Christmas we have sorted out (Christmas Eve with his family and Christmas Day with mine) but Thanksgiving and Easter were less than enjoyable.

There it was, Thanksgiving, and we would go to his parents’ home for early lunch but not get TOO full because we had a second dinner just a few hours later. Then we’d get to my parents’ home (after we skipped out on dessert at his parents’) and mom would take offense if we didn’t bring our appetites.

Add trucking two kids 4 and under and it was just a feat.

So last year we decided to just bring both families to us, which also included our siblings and their families… 18 people total.

It was the best Thanksgiving EVER for us. We didn’t have to rush. We didn’t have to save appetites. We didn’t have to worry about anything. Everyone brought a dish or two. His parents helped him with the meal prep as I kept the children occupied and cleaned house. I’m not sure if everyone enjoyed it as much as we did, but it was awesome.

And so this year we’ll do it again. We started getting excited about a month ago and then Brett started getting his grocery list ready a few weeks ago.

The thing I like most about Thanksgiving (other than 1-my mother in law’s stuffing 2-turkey gravy and 3-turkey) is the laid back affair. It’s not preceded with formal outfits and hours spent at church to come home and rush to get ready to eat. It’s not preceded by an hour long gift giving extravaganza with children tearing through wrapping paper so fast you worry that some gifts accidentally got thrown in the trash. … But what IS it?

What it IS is a day made to glorify a meal… A FAMILY meal… A DAMN GOOD family meal. And it hasn’t been ruined by materialism. It doesn’t involve helping your young children find eggs and Easter baskets in the yard while you shiver from the crisp spring morning dew. It doesn’t involve fear of your children blowing their fingers off with explosives. It is just a day to reflect and give thanks for your blessings and gather ’round the table and break bread together. And we love it. And this year we’re bustin’ out the fine china.

And in reflection I have a damn lot to be thankful for. A whole helluva lot. I have such a generous family. A loving husband who’s the best damn baby daddy this side of the Mississippi… Adoring kids who have hearts of gold… Some killer family members and the best damn girlfriends in the world. …Not to mention all of the material things that God’s blessed me with but frankly if it all went up in smoke tomorrow, it wouldn’t matter. None of this stuff matters… Not my newly painted bedroom, our new car or even my gorgeous boots. Nope.

Thanksgiving also kicks off the countdown to Christmas and the end of the year. And while I hate how the Christmas season just gets started earlier and earlier every year, I hate the materialism more. But I do love New Years. I love prepping for the new stuff… For the resolutions. I like looking back and looking forward. I do hate to wish time away but I am anxious to blow this Popsicle stand and get on with it. I’m ready for 2015. I’m ready for new beginnings. I’m ready to kick some ass and take some names again… But when you get in these holidays it’s almost like slow motion. Nothing in life can happen during Christmastime except preparing for Christmas.

Today, however, I’ll live in the now and get ready for my big meal. There might be a surface I forget to dust or a cheerio on the floor somewhere or a sock hidden underneath a chair but I don’t care. The food is great, dishes clean, and the company is spectacular. Go get yours.